Live on 02.01.23

Current Process

Enrolls with SOE – No Temp Cert – Not Hired Yet 

If the intern enrolls in the program with an SOE from the state, they can enroll and start the program, pay enrollment fee, and begin their courses.  They will not be required to establish payment for their program fees until they have secured employment.  Intern will remain in PAID status until employment is secured and payment is established.  

New Process

  1. Enrolls with SOE – No Temp Cert -  Not Hired Yet  

Upon enrolling in the program, if the intern has an SOE but they do not have valid employment yet, we want to have that conversation with the intern right away upon enrolling.


Talking points to help interns get hired: 

  1. “Apply and start teaching today! You can progress through the program quickly now that you are eligible for hire.  You will also be able to work on your coursework while actively teaching.”  
  2. “Let’s review the job resources we have available to you, to help you get hired!”   
  3. “Under the resources tab of our website, , you will find resources that include resume review service and how to improve and target your resume to the teaching industry.  How to build your teaching portfolio, interview tips and featured Florida districts with links that take you right to the employment section of their website.”   
  4. “Let me send you a follow up email with information on our job resources that you can use to get hired today!”  (See “Job Resources” template in Five 9)



These interns will remain in PAID status until they have secured employment, submitted employment verification, received temporary cert from Florida DOE, Submitted Job form in portal and established payment.  Once they have done the latter, they will move to HIRED status.  



        2. Enrolls with SOE and Temp Cert - Has a Job already upon enrolling 

Upon enrolling in the program, If the intern has an SOE from the state along with a temporary certificate, they have secured employment, and verified employment through the Florida DOE.  Intern will need to submit job form and verification of employment which will allow them to establish payment for their program fees.  This will put them in Hired Status shortly after they enroll in the program. Intern can work on classroom readiness training while actively teaching. it does not need to be complete before we allow them to establish payment for their program fees.  

We want to encourage these interns to submit their job form immediately upon enrolling in the program. 


Talking points to encourage employment notification:   

  1. “Let us know where you are teaching by submitting your job form through your intern portal.  It is located under Menu> Employment.”  
  2. “Once we have your job form, we can give you access to establish payment for your program fees so you can progress in the program.”
  3. “Be sure to submit your job form as soon as possible so your time taught counts toward becoming fully certified.”


 Interns do NOT need to complete classroom readiness training before establishing payment for program fees.  If the intern has SOE, Temp Cert and a Job, we want them to establish payment right away and start progressing through the program.  

Classroom Readiness Training now reflects on the What's Next Checklist as part of Phase II requirements