Offer of Admission Expiration Timeline 

Offer of Admissions are now valid for 30 days through the intern portal.  

Interns should see a message upon logging into their intern portal that provides an expiration date of their enrollment.  

31-89 Days after Offer of Admission: 

Our messaging to interns should be that they have 30 days to enroll in our program.  However, after 30 days they will still be able to enroll because we will extend their offer another 60 days.    They should see the following message and can click directly on “Enroll Today” to get started.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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90 Days After Offer of Admission: 

If the intern has not enrolled by the 90th day after their offer of admission, they will see the following message:

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

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Once they click on “I’m Interested,” they will see the following message and it will automatically send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] etc.

Graphical user interface, text, application

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The email sent to the enroll folder for the respective state will reflect their Intern ID, Name and original offer of admission date.  

Graphical user interface, text, application

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Internal TOT Advisors: The advisor will need to re-assess the account to confirm they meet all current admission requirements for that state and re-offer admission in Prince. 

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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CNX TOT Advisors: CNX advisors should add the intern ID to the Expedite list for a fulfillment analyst to re-evaluate the transcripts and confirm the applicant meets current admission requirements.  

CNX advisors can advise the applicant that we will re-evaluate their transcripts and accounts to confirm if we can re-offer them admission to the program.  Once the expedite request is made, it should be about 3-5 business days for processing.