To determine a applicant's admission date, who has not yet graduated, you will use the common calendar.
Applicants are eligible for our program once they are within their last semester of graduating. Their eligibility date is the start date of their final semester. Their contingency admission expires when the next semester start date begins.
For Example: If an applicant is graduating in May of 2023 they would be eligible for admission starting January 16th, 2023 and their contingency admission would expire on June 5th, 2023.
If an applicant is graduating in July of 2023, they would be eligible for admission to our program starting June 5th, 2023. Their contingency admission would expire on August 28th, 2023.
If an applicant is graduating in December of 2023, they would be eligible for admission starting August 28th, 2023. Their contingency admission would expire on January 15th, 2024.
Interns must send in final transcripts with degree date conferred of their bachelor's degree before their contingency admission expiration date.