Test of English as a Foreign Language 

The TOEFL is an English Proficiency test.  If the applicant received their degree from a college or university from any country NOT listed on the exempt list below, TEA requires they pass the TOEFL test to be eligible for admission to our program. 

Please note: The TOEFL requirement is based on the country where the intern received their degree from and not where they hold citizenship.  For example: The intern is a U.S. Citizen and speaks fluent English but attended school in Japan where they received their bachelor's degree.  The intern will still be required to take the TOEFL exam because their degree is from a country NOT on the exempt list.  

Listed below is the TEA official list of countries that can be exempted from the TOEFL. 

Figure: 19 TAC Countries in which English is the Official Language The countries listed below have been approved by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) to satisfy the English language proficiency requirement specified in lg TAC S230.11 To be exempted from the Test of English as a Foreign Language intemet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) testing requirement specified in 1 g TAC S230.11 a certification candidate must have eamed an undergraduate or graduate degree from an institution of higher education on the SBEC-approved list of countries. American Samoa Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Australia Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda British Virgin Islands Canada (except Quebec) Cayman Islands Dominica Federated States of Micronesia Gambia Ghana Gibraltar Grand Cayman Grenada Guyana India Ireland Jamaica Liberia New Zealand Nigeria Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Singapore Trinidad/Tobago Turks and Caicos Islands United Kingdom U.S. Pacific Trust

*Guam is part of the U.S. Pacific Trust and does not require the TOEFL 

TOEFL Testing

The TOEFL iBT® test, administered via the internet and ETS, is offered more than 50 times a year at ETS authorized testing locations through the world.  

To locate a testing center and for registration information: 

TOEFL iBT® test

TOEFL scores required to pass each section 

Speaking  Listening Reading  Writing 
24 22 22 21

Important: Applicants must provide our institution code: B239 when registering for the exam