A principal extension is determined from the principal recommendation 

If the intern receives "Option B: Extend," as their principal recommendation from their first intern year of teaching they must teach for a full year on an extension, probationary certificate, to qualify for a standard certificate.  

To determine the intern's principal recommendation you can locate it in Prince under the Contract Tool> Certification> Principal Rec 

Qualifying for a Principal Extension: 

  1. Intern must have all pre-service complete (Required online training and FBEs) 
  2. Must have their content exam passed 
  3. Must have their PPR exam passed (*If the intern first taught on a probationary certificate, the next certificate they will teach on is an intern cert, which will not require them to have the PPR exam passed) 
    • Once all of the above are complete they will gain access to a new SOE for the following school year.  
  4. Must have their current program fees paid in full 
  5. Must have received a principal recommendation of Option B: Extend 

Steps the Intern must take once qualified: 

  1. Submit SOE to HR department of hiring school district for them to fill out and send back to us at [email protected]
  2. Submit a new "I've got a job" form through their intern portal for the new school year 
  3. Apply and Pay for a probationary certificate through TEA (See Applying for a Probationary Certificate)
    • If an intern first taught on a probationary certificate then they will need to apply for a Intern Certificate through TEA. 
  1. Establish payment (when applicable) for extension fees ( See Principal Extension Fees)