Military Discount
Interns who are either currently or formerly in the military along with their spouses qualify for our Military Discount.
Military Discount = $100 off program fees only. We will not discount the enrollment fee.
Applicant/Offered Admission/Paid
- Once the intern identifies themselves as a veteran, active duty or military spouse advise the intern of our military discount.
- Next, advise the intern of the documentation needed in order to apply the discount.
- DD214 for veterans – can be emailed to [email protected]
- DD214 and marriage license for military spouses – can be emailed to [email protected]
- Active Duty can send a copy of their Military ID. If they do not want to do this because it contains personal info, they can provide a VMET.
- Once we receive proof of DD214 and/or DD214 and Marriage License. The advisor needs to attach them under the documents tab, make a high priority note in the account that the intern has provided DD214 and qualifies for $100 off Military discount upon hire to teach on their intern certificate.
- Once the intern is hired to teach on their intern certificate, whoever creates their contract for program fees will deduct $100 off.
For Example: Intern will pay $4,250 vs. $4,350.
If the intern is in HIRED status, and is requesting a military discount the DD214 needs to be sent to [email protected] and accounting will apply the discount to their account. Also be sure to attach the DD214 to the documents section of the account in prince.
DO NOT send an email to accounting requesting a discount unless the intern is in HIRED status. Accounting does not have anything to do with the military discount until after the intern is in hired status. Please do not email them unless intern is hired status and we have their DD214.