As of 04/03/2023 TX interns will no longer have the option to select GCEFCU as a payment option through their portal when establishing payment.   


What happens now? 


Interns who are actively paying GCEFCU and their balance is zero with ToT – Nothing changes, they should continue to pay their monthly payments to the credit union.


Interns who applied to GCEFCU and are waiting for their ToT account to be updated – Nothing changes, the credit union will transfer the funds to us once approved.  If the intern’s application is denied, they will need to select one of the available ToT payment options.


Interns who have not applied to GCEFU – The option to select the credit union as a payment method will no longer be displayed.   However, interns can apply directly to GCEFCU or any other banking institution of their choice if they want to pay us in full. This is considered 3rd party financing and they will need to work with their bank directly to determine how the funds are transferred to ToT.

GCEFCU Customer Service Phone: 281-487-9333

TOT specific Contacts at GCEFCU 

Genesis Farias: [email protected] 

Cynthia Rodriguez: [email protected]