Texas Teachers has 2 restricted exams
- 276 Business and Finance 6-12
- 613 LOTE: Spanish EC-12
- 232 Social Studies 7-12
- Specifically for SS 7-12, If the intern does not have at least 2 history courses on their college transcripts they must PACT into the program.
- If the intern HAS 2 history courses on their transcripts they do not need to PACT into the program
What does a restricted exam mean?
Candidate must PACT into the program. Once enrolled in the program, IF the intern is pursuing a restricted exam area that aligns with their admission certification area they will follow current guidelines for test approvals.
- TOT test prep required prior to first attempt
- Outside test prep and college credit hours required for 2nd attempt (See Critical Exam Areas)
- Outside test prep required for 3rd-5th attempts.
Requirements Prior to Admission:
If an intern wants to certify in one of the two restricted exam certification areas they must complete the following:
- Pass the corresponding PACT exam (either the 776 TX PACT Business and Finance: Grades 6-12, the 713 TX PACT LOTE: Spanish Grades 6-12 or the 732 Social Studies 7-12) PACT Exams
Once enrolled in the program they must complete our test prep with an 85% or higher
- TCR 709 Test Preparation Resources for Business and Finance 6-12 Content Test
- TST 619 Test Preparation Resources for LOTE 7-12 Content Test
- TST 232 Test Preparation Resources for Social Studies 7-12
Once the Test prep is confirmed complete with an 85% or higher the intern can request test approval for their first attempt through their intern portal (Intern is NOT restricted to one attempt IF a restricted exam is their admission certification area)
- Intern Portal - Intern will select Menu> Test approvals/Scores> Request Test Approval > Reason for Request = Change or Add to Certification area
Requirements Once Intern is Already Enrolled:
if an intern is already enrolled, in "Paid" status and decides they want to add a certification area and certify in one of the three restricted exam certification areas they must complete the following:
- Intern needs to request the exam through their intern portal unde Menu> Test Approvals/Scores and request the exam as "Change/Add to Certification area." This will add the the exam in "Eligible" Status and add the corresponding test prep for the exam.
They must complete our test prep with an 85% or higher
- TCR 709 Test Preparation Resources for Business and Finance 6-12 Content Test
- TST 619 Test Preparation Resources for LOTE 7-12 Content Test
- TST 232 Test Preparation Resources for Social Studies 7-12
- Once the Test prep is confirmed complete with an 85% or higher, the intern's exam will move from "Eligible" status to "Approved" in the intern portal.
- For a 2nd attempt at B&F or LOTE: Spanish they will need to seek outside test prep and complete a practice exam with an 85% or higher.
- For a 2nd attempt at Social Studies 7-12 they will need to seek college course hours and outside test prep. See Critical Area Exams.