Updating Test Score in Prince 

  • If an intern has passed an exam and it has not updated in their prince account yet, you can manually update it as long as it has posted to their TEA account.  
  • If posted in TEA you may update the passed test with a minimum passing score of a 240.
  • If the intern has sent you their official score report (see attached for an example) please use the exact score from their score report to update their prince account.  
  • In the attached score report sample, use the overall status listed in the upper left box.  
  • Locate the exam date the exam was passed in the upper right box 
  • If the intern passed the 391 Core Subjects EC-6 they will often have multiple dates for several attempts.  For these, you can find the score and date for each subsection of the exam in the body of the score report on the right  hand side. 


Once an intern passes an exam it will post to their TEA account under “Examinations.”

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Once Posted to their TEA account we can update their Prince account under the Test Tab

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First, select the corresponding exam by clicking on the “Edit” button


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Next, on the far right, select the “Add Attempt” button for the corresponding sub section of the exam if applicable

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Now, enter the Date and Score and check the passed box for each section  

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Lastly, insert the Test score on the far left in the corresponding box as well as check the passed box and click “Save.”

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Final test score update example