The FBE Verification Process 

Step 1Intern submits FBE’s in Intern Portal and will show as Pending - FBE support will review submission and move the status to either “Needs Verification”, “Needs Info” or “Denied”. 


Step 2Once status updates to “Needs Verification”, the Teacher or contact listed will receive a system generated email to verify the hours submitted. Once verified, hours will be updated to “Approved” or “Verified” under the FBE tab in Prince. 

The email sent to the approving teacher will come from [email protected].  Below is an example of the email. 

Pending Status: The intern has submitted their FBEs, and they are pending approval from our FBE team.  See processing times 

Needs Verification Status: Intern has submitted FBEs, they have been approved by TOT, but are still pending verification from the contact they listed on the form. 

Needs Info Status: Intern has submitted FBEs, however, there is pending information needed by TOT in order to approve it and move to needs verfication status. The advisor should always direct the intern to their intern portal under Field Based Experience for an explanation of what additional information is needed.  

Denied Status: Intern has submitted FBEs and they do not meet our criteria (See Field Based Experience Parameters) Intern will need to resubmit to meet parameters for approval.  The reason for denial is provided in the intern's portal under Menu>Field Based Experience.  Denied field based experience will remain idle in the intern's portal under the field based experience tab. It cannot be deleted and will not count against the intern. 

Saved Status: If an intern has not completed the online form in its entirety then the form will not let them submit and only allow them to save it. This is typically because they have not answered the reflection questions with 700 characters or more. 



Resending verification email using FBE QUEUE:  

  •  In Prince, Click on Certification -> FBE Que -> Filter by State -> copy and paste Intern ID> Filter by status "Needs Verification"> Set Filters.  

  • You will then be able to click on the envelope to send out the verification email.  



  •  These emails will go out from your personal Texas Teachers email.  

  • If the teacher’s email in undeliverable, you will automatically get an email to your inbox. From there you can reach out to the intern for correct email. 

•You can edit the teachers name and email in their FBE submission tab in Prince if applicable 

First select the Field-Based Experience tab in Prince 

Next, confirm  the FBE submission they are referencing and click on "Edit" next to it. 

This will open up a new window where you can scroll down to the email address of the person observed and update the email with the correct email address.  Keep in mind, the email address must be a school email address, we will not accept personal email addresses for verficiation puposes.  

Be sure to click on Save before closing out.  


  •  Teachers can also email you directly back and let you know the link to verify is not working so that we can manually update. 

Manual FBE Verification Template 



I’m an advisor with the Texas Teachers Alternative Certification Program contacting you on behalf of (Insert Intern Name).  Can you confirm that (intern Name) observed at your school on (Insert Date)  for (Insert number of hours) hours? Thank you so much for your patience and cooperation during this verification process.


Thank you,

Advisor Name 

Upon Receiving the verification email back from the observed teacher, the advisor should email it to [email protected] for our FBE coordinators to approve and update the account.