Indiana Training Guide


Indiana Teachers of Tomorrow started in July 2017 and it is known as a Transition to Teaching Program (T2T). In Indiana, Transition to Teaching programs function off a Transition to Teaching Permit. The Transition to Teaching Permit is a 3-year permit that is only active once in a lifetime. For an Intern to use a Transition to Teaching Permit they must be a teacher of record at a corporation (school district in Texas Terms). Once they complete our program, they will be eligible for a Practitioners License or better known as a Professional Educators License, which is valid for 5 years.  

Indiana Teachers of Tomorrow can certify in the following Licensure areas: 

  • Elementary Education K – 6 
  • Secondary 5-12
  • P – 12 
  • Exceptional Needs: Mild Intervention P – 12

Here is a link to our full list:


We do not have the capability to certify in 5-9 licensure areas (middle school).

Admission Process:  

  • Submit Free Application online through our website.
  • Send us their official Bachelor Transcripts. – These must be from a Institutionally accreditedUniversity/College
  • Application Call 
    1. Confirm SSN, DOB, if Intern is enrolled into any other program & Confirm Content
  • GPA and Major will determine if intern can postpone their exam or not. 
    1. If they are not eligible to postpone a content exam, then they must take a content exam prior to admissions. 
  • They must have a passing score on the prescreener questionnaire. Minimum score is 41. 
    1. if interview has not been complete -> send them link to complete interview. 

Admission Guidelines/Postponing Content Exams: 

  • Link to our admission guidelines: 
  • Deep Dive: 
    1. If an intern’s GPA is above a 3.0 and they want to pursue Elementary education, Exceptional Needs – Mild Intervention, or English as a second language then they can postpone the exam. it does not matter what they majored in. 
      • Example: Kelly has a 3.5 and majored is astrophysics and wants to teach elementary education. They can postpone the exam. 
    2. If an intern has a bachelor’s degree with a GPA above a 3.0 and they major in the subject area they wish to pursue, then they can postpone their content exam. 
      •  Example: Jim had a 3.1 and majored in Physical Education and he wants to pursue Physical Education. He can postpone they content exam and be offered admissions. 
    3. If a Intern has above a 2.5 on their GPA and they majored in the subject they want to teach then they must have 5 years of relevant work experience pertaining to the subject area they wish to pursue. 
      • Example: Bob has a 2.5 GPA and majored in math, and he wants to pursue teaching secondary math. HE has 5 years of experience teaching Mathematics on an emergency permit. 
        • In this situation, you would request proof of emergency permit and request his professional resume. The professional resume must reflect the month and year that they intern gained the professional experience. Once you verify employment then he can be offered admissions.
    4. Anything between a 2.0 and 2.49, intern must take and pass the exam prior to admissions. 
    5. Intern IDs to look at: 
      • IN1096365
      • IN1082440
      • IN1119349


Special Education & English Language Learners: 

  • Per the IDOE, Interns can follow the same rules for elementary education to postpone these two exams. 
  • If an intern has a 3.0 and wishes to pursue these content areas, it does not matter the major, they can postpone. 


Minimum GPA Requirement: 


  • Candidates who have lower than a 2.0 are not eligible for our program. This is our program policy. 
  • Many school that hire candidates do look at the candidates GPA and take this into consideration when hiring them. A candidate whose GPA is lower than a 2.0 is less likely to be hired. 



  • Beginning September 1, 2021, the appropriate exams for Intern’s to take are administered by PRAXIS. 
  • If an intern happens to have a score report from Pearson prior to September 1, 2021 – we can potentially accept. However, we must review the date in which the intern took the exam. If the Pearson exam was taken while Pearson’s was the exam administrator, we can accept. 

Positive Talking Points for App Call 

  • The Online Course work can be worked at the candidate's own pace
  • Our program has an overall better cost then compared to a traditional university. We also have a payment plan that does not begin until they are hired as a teacher of record and active on a transition to teaching permit. 
  • They can get into the classroom faster! 
  • Job resources due to relationships with schools and districts 
  • Assistance from the Teachers of Tomorrow Team! 

Program Cost:

Old Pricing 

  •  Enrollment Fee $295 to get started in the program. 
  • · $4,200 is the remaining balance and payments will not begin for this balance until the interns Transition to Teaching Permit is activated. Payments are 10 months and cannot be changed

New Pricing as of 04.10.24

  • Enrollment fee is $299 if paid in full or 3 monthly payments of $115 totaling $345
  • Program fee is $4,200 if paid in full or 10 monthly payments of $420
  • Candidates have the option to pay in full for both enrollment and program fees upon enrolling to save a percentage off the total cost.  

Check for Supplemental Transcripts: 

  • If a intern obtained more than 21 credit hours from a university/college that contributes to their bachelor's degree, we must request transcripts. 

Career Technical Education:

  • Candidates must have bachelor’s degree.
  • They will need 4,000 hours of related work experience in the area they are pursuing.
  • They will have to provide a professional resume. They resume must include month and year in which they candidate was employed there.
    1. Once the resume is approved, you will request verification letters from employers. These letters should list the amount of time in which the intern worked.
    2. You then will be completed CTE Processing document located in SharePoint.
      • Once this document is complete you will save as pdf to interns account and add it back to SharePoint.
  • After the candidates work experience is approved, they then can take the content exam. The content exam must be passed prior to admissions. 
  • Example: 
    1. IN1003230


Emergency Permits:

  • These permits are issued at the request of a school district for one year. All EP expire on 06/30. Candidate must demonstrate progress toward licensure to renew emergency permit, and there is no limit to number issued.
  • It is important to know that interns can use up to one year on an emergency permit towards their overall two-year time taught requirement if they activate a Transition to Teaching Permit for the exact same area.
    1. Example: Jim has been teaching on an emergency permit for English Language Arts 5-12 for one year and wants to activate a Transition to Teaching Permit for English Language Arts 5-12. In this scenario, Jim can use his time on his emergency permit towards his overall 2-year time taught requirements. This means that he will only have to be on his Transition to Teaching Permit for one year.
  • If an intern has been on an emergency permit for something other then what they activate their transition to teaching permits for, then their time will not count. 
    1. Example: Kelly taught on an emergency permit for Math 5-12 but wants to activate her transition to teaching permit for elementary education. Her time on her emergency permit will not apply to her overall time taught.
  • If you see that an intern has been on an emergency permit and they intend to pursue that content area and grade level through our program, it is best to request that they send in a copy of their EP.

Specialty Areas 

  • These 6 exams must be completed while intern is in our program, prior to the issuance of a T2T and must be taught in the internship to be eligible to be placed on the practitioner’s license: 
    1. Elementary Education K – 6 
    2. Special Education – Mild Intervention 
    3. Fine Arts – Visual arts 
    4. English Learners 
    5. Music general/instrumental and general/vocal 
    6. Fine Arts – Theatre Arts




Program Requirements:


Phase 1: 


  • Intern can immediately begin working on their program course work and field-based experience hours upon enrolling into the program. 
  • Example of Paid Intern: 
    1. IN0569802 – 
  • Primary focus of phase 1 is for interns to get hired. Here are the steps to get hired. 
    1. Step 1:  Steps to receive LOA
      • Submit their CPR / Youth Suicide Prevention certificates 
      • Once the intern has turned in their CPR/YSP Certificates, we then will provide them a Letter of Acceptance to begin looking for employment. The letter of acceptance cannot be awarded if the intern has not paid their enrollment fee. 
    2. Step 2: Steps to receive LOE (Step 2 can't be done without step 1) 
      • Secure employment – must be a teacher of record delivering content full time
  • Once an Intern Secures Employment, they will need to complete the following items: 
    1. Submit a job form on the intern portal 
    2. Turn in a Verification of Employment 
  • A verification of employment is verification from your corporation’s administration, confirming intern has been hired. The VOE can be one of the following: 
    1. an offer letter from your administration in a PDF Format on a school letter head 
    2. a contract 
    3. or an email directly from the hiring corporation to [email protected] 


  • The VOE must include the grade levels, subject area(s) you will be teaching and start date of your employment with your hiring corporation along with the school year. 
    • Show Example of VOE - IN1134634
    • all VOEs should be attached under the documents section of the intern's prince account and sent to certification support at [email protected] for processing.  
          • Establishing Payments
              • Interns will be eligible to establish their payments online after they submit their job form. It is important that they establish their payments so that we can assign a field supervisor and we receive payment. Establishing payment is required before the intern gets access to their LOE.  


  • Once the above the above items have been completed, the intern will be eligible for a Letter of Eligibility.

Letter of Eligibility: 

  • Once an intern has the Letter of Eligibility, then will be able to apply for their transition to teaching permit with the Indiana Department of Education. 
  • Pull example from folder - IN1092092 has a LOE on his account


Phase 2:

Transition to Teaching Permit

  • Once the intern has received the transition to teaching permit, they must turn the T2T Permit into us.
  • The intern will then have two years to complete the below requirements: 
    1. Content Exam 
    2. Principals of Learning and Teaching Exam (previously known as the Developmental Area Assessment Exam)
    3. All Online Training 
      • Classroom readiness training 
      • Projects 
      • Excellence in Teaching and Learning 
    4. 30 Field Base Experience Hours 
      • Intern can complete them in person or online. 
    5. Principals’ recommendation 
    6. Field supervisor recommendation – will be completed after all three observations.  
    7. Balance must be 0

Show examples of T2T permits: IN0552483 has a t2t on her account 







Field Base Experience Requirements: 


  • Verification of FBE required 
    • Must contain required contract information for verification
    • Will moved to “approved” via FBE queue and send verification email
    • FBE will automatically update to verified if party receiving email approves


  • Can complete FBEs while in, or up to 2 years prior to paid date with program


  • FBE must be completed at/with an accredited campus in the US, going by the accreditation of the state the campus is located in. 
    • Example, IN intern submits completed FBE in NC, can accept as long as school is accredited by NC guidelines.

Type of experience

  • Must fall under one of the below: 
    • Must be observing a teacher instructing students.
    • Instructing students (sub, co-teach, TOR)
    • Sitting in on instructional meetings and planning sessions with current teachers 


  • State regulation does not put specific guidelines on Field Based Experiences, the above rules are ToT policy. If a decision above is challenged, C&C has the discretion to decide if an FBE should be approved.

Time Taught Verification: 


  • For an intern to be eligible for their professional practitioner license, they must teach a minimum of 120 instructional days per academic year for two academic years. 
  • An intern must submit time taught verification at the end of the academic school year confirming their time taught. 
  • If an intern did not teach long enough, they will be required to teach into the following school year for a minimum of 60 instructional days. 
  • Interns Do not receive credit for a school year where less than 60 days were taught



Additional Time Taught: 

  • Intern must be a teacher of record teaching for a minimum of 5 hours a day in their subject material. 
  • If it is a restricted area, then they must meet time taught, however if it is a non-restricted subject area, intern can teach in different subjects to meet time taught if they can either postpone the content exam OR they must take the exam prior to T2T. 
  • If an intern is on a transition to teaching permit for elementary education. And they decide during their second year they want to teach a p-12/5-12 content area. This is technically fine, but they will need to go into the third year and choose an area to satisfy time taught. 
  • Show examples of Time Taught IN0579427, IN1005332


Letter of Completion: 

  • Intern must complete all program requirements along with time taught and balance must be paid in full to be eligible for the Letter of Completion. Once the Letter of Completion in awarded, the intern will apply for their professional practitioner license, and we will recommend. 
  • Completion Checklist
    1. Content Exam Passed
    2. Principals of Learning and Teaching Exam
    3. ALL training complete 
    4. Observations (3)
    5. Principal Recommendation
    6. Field Supervisor Recommendation
    7. Balance Paid 


  • Completion Process
    1. Advisor receives notification from intern 
      • We will review interns account to ensure everything is done. Complete Advisor Check list for completion.
    2. Advisor releases completion letter to intern 
      • Email notifies of program completion
      • Documents are saved to PRINCE account
      • Documents are saved to Sharepoint
    3. Advisor then will email c&c the LOC and advisor checklist so that C&C can conclude interns account and recommend. 


Extension Fee’s: 

  • Candidates will owe extension fees if any time beyond 2 years from the hire date (intersection of employment and certificate) is utilized. So, if a candidate teaches all 3 years, they will owe a year of extension fees.
  • Indiana Extension Fee’s: 
    1. Requirements – 2,500
    2. Additional Year – 2,500 
  • All requirements incomplete extension fees will cover a full year of extension but will be assessed over 8 monthly payments. However, the candidate will only owe what they use. For example, if a candidate uses 6 months and pays all 6 months and is then ready for completion, payment can be stopped, and candidate will be eligible for completion without the remaining two payments. A candidate is not to be notified that they are done with payments or to be issued completion paperwork while there is a balance on the account until C&C has confirmed all needed payments have been received and placed a hold on the account.


  • All Additional Year (Principal Extend or Switching Certification Areas) fees will be assessed over 10 months. Candidates will be expected to teach for full year and pay full balance. Exception only in the case of a principal extension where the principal overturns the recommendation early (in which case remaining payment will operate as requirements incomplete extension fees laid out above).